
François Hollande gets to grips with €50bn spending cut pledge

Jeudi 13 février, le journal le Financial Times reprenait les chiffrages de la Fondation iFRAP dans un article sur les 50 milliards d'économies annoncées par François Hollande lors de sa conférence de presse.

“The €50bn is about 4 or 5 per cent of public spending – it is not enormous. You can find it easily enough,” says Agnès Verdier-Molinié from iFrap, the Foundation for research on public policy and administration.

One area the think-tank iFrap has pointed to is education. France, like Germany and the UK, has about 10.5m primary and secondary school pupils. But the state spends €86bn a year maintaining them, some €30bn more than its two neighbours, according to the think-tank, citing 2009 figures. Yet Mr Hollande promised in his election campaign to hire 60,000 new teachers and to shield education from cuts.

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